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From one Godot dev to another: make sure to enable "SharedArrayBuffer support" from the "edit game" menu on itch. It should be under Embed options -> Frame options. This will make the game playable in browser! 

I don't know the deal with "Cross-Origin Isolation", but I ran across the former issue when I was putting my first game up on itch. In the meantime, I'll be playing and rating the Windows version instead :)

Thanks for the advice! We actually already had that flag set on itch. I have made a version locally that doesn't use GPUParticles or extensions so I can build a version without thread and extension support enabled. This seems to help with performance and compatibility a bit but I'll upload this build after the two weeks period have ended :) Hopefully the windows version worked well, I exported it from Linux and could only test it in Wine beforehand

Game looks awesome! Nice spritework and UI elements. Plays a bit janky, but I understand the concept. I wonder what you guys could make of this if you would put more time into it. Would love to see the gameplay more fleshed out.


The web version is just unplayable. Bit of advice from a fellow Godot dev don`t use GPU particles for web builds. I assume that`s the cause of the problem.

Thanks for the advice....this was our first project in Godot and we made some less than optimal choices here and there. I'll update the build after the 2 weeks period ends with some enhancements that hopefully makes the web version more playable

Completely understandable. I've used Godot for a few years and only just realized that the particles made my games lag.


The art looks really good and the game was fun to play! Something about the rain is borderline crashing my computer though lol


I really loved the pixel art! and the game concept is very addicting IMO